Welcome to My Website

My name is Tracy, I am a Breeder of British Shorthair cats, located in Invercargill New Zealand. We are proud, and grateful for the beautiful, chunky, lovely temperament breeding cats that we've been lucky enough to import. We started our breeding journey by importing the best quality that we could, with the aim to continue improving on Type from that starting point.

I fell in love with the Teddy Bear look of these amazing gentle cats, and their laid back personality, and want you to have the chance too. I am Registered with Catzinc.  All our Kittens are born and raised in the home, lavished with love and affection. Our Studs have a large outdoor run, with an enclosed heated sleeping area. Our Queens rotate in 'friendship groups', between our living area, with access to their outdoor 'Penthouse' via an above ground tunnel, or in a 'studio' area, with separate areas with climbing towers, toys, plenty of sleeping areas, cat TV, and a heat pump. They also have access whenever they want, to an outdoor catio. 

All our breeding cats have Genetic testing done to screen for any inherited condition or trait that is relevant to BSH:

PKD (polycystic kidney disease) - negative

FALPS (Feline Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome) - negative

FIV (Feline Imminodeficiency Virus) / FELV (Feline Leukemia Virus) - negative 

Thank you for visiting our website, please let me know if you'd like any further information we would love to hear from you.


Kittens Available